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Mindworks Connections
Watch while Amanda
Dennison walks over
220+ feet of burning
hot coals, Breaking a
world record
and raising money for
the youth in her
community. June 15th
2005 Grande Prairie AB

" A very special thank you to all
of the people that came out to
support my walk, it would not
have been a success with out
you!! And a very special thank
you to the my "Fire Team". The
job you did was what made this
walk a success, thank you
thank you thank you!!!"
Amanda Dennison
The walk was a total of 112 feet long allowing a foot
on either side for turning. Amanda successfully
walked the pit to the end and back without leaving
the coal bed, making a total distance of 220 feet.
The walk was a total of 112 feet long
allowing a foot on either side for turning.
Amanda successfully walked the pit to the
end and back without leaving the coal
bed, making a total distance of 220 feet.
Jason my Fiancé and
Angela my Twin Sister
great me at the end of my
Angela my twin sister and
my mom Trish Dennison
walk on either side of me
for support.
I listened to my I-pod while
walking to remain focused
and to keep my energy up.
97.7 sun Fm's Tom Bedore
interviewing me after my
successful walk June 15th
Me being interviewed by
CTV News's Sarah Jostine