So who is Amanda Dennison? |
I am the CEO of Power of Intention Breakthrough Coaching Inc. The founder and creator of , and I am a Reiki Master, Breakthrough Coach, Certified Firewalking Instructor and Guinness World Record Holder. The Beginning.... I was born on April 20th 1981 to loving parents and an older brother, and I did not arrive alone.... I am an identical twin. My sister and I spent our early child hood joined at the hips; not literally, remember we are only identical twins, not Siamese twins. As we entered into the schooling system, we began to notice what was different about Angela and I as well as what was the same. We spent most of our time in the same groups of friends and we were always in each others class, so until high school, Angle is the one person I spent about 80% of my day with. Once we hit high school we ventured out into our own worlds, discovering who we were as individuals. Our family was very very close for many reasons. The one event that would change all of our lives was the loss of my father. He was killed on the job when Angela and I were only 4 years old. It was the hardest thing my family would go through. I am very happy to say that my mother re-married very happy, but that is another story for another time. Now I should note that although Angela and I were Identical twins, and we had spent most of our lives together until this point, our paths had already been very different ones. Being born a twin I was born with a best friend, unfortunately it also brought a few health challenges with it. I had over grown tonsils as well as an under developed immune system. With out getting into much detail, by the time I was 16 years old, I had been in and out of the hospital a number of times, I had three near death experiences, and I do not care to remember how many needles and x-rays there were. Being sick all the time a child and having gone through the loss of my father, I was what you would call a shy withdrawn child. I had a small group of friends, but the truth was, I was one of the shyest people I new and I was down right afraid of the world. This carried on until my last few years of high school, where I meet the man of my dreams, Jason and began yet another journey of self discovery. After High School Jason and I spent a few years working at a small BC Ski hill, where I discovered my passion for snow boarding and the out doors. After a few years at the hill Jason and I decided to move back to my home town, Grande Prairie AB, where I joined my mothers company. My mother has always been a big part of my life. Having been so sick through my life, I had spent a lot of time inside with my mom. My mother is my best friend, my mentor, my business partner and my motivation and inspiration. She began my spiritual journey for me when she became a Reiki Teacher. After the death of my father, my mom went on a very intense journey of spirituality and self discovery. My brother sister and I were taught our first degree Reiki class when I was only 7 years old. It has been the foundation for my own personal spiritual journey and a major part of my health journey. After moving home and partnering with mom again, I began yet another major learning curve in my life. Over the next four years I would discover T. Harve Etker and what it was to be an Enlightened Warrior. I joined in on and still participate in weekly classes sponsored by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen, and I traveled to California, where I meet Tolly Burkan and became a Certified Fire Walking Instructor. I was in Tolly's Fire Walking class in December of 2004. It was at this class that I had decided to continue my journey of spreading my own wings out in the world, so I decided to break the Guinness World Record For Fire Walking. On June 15th 2005 I successful walked 220 feet over burning hot coals, successfully setting a new world record and raising money for the youth of my community. It is my dream to inspire the youth of our world to start to live their dreams now!! There is not time to waist and no reason to wait, to many of our youth or standing alone in the shadows, to shy to speak out. I hope to inspire them to stand proud and speak their truth. It has been far too long that kids have lived with the impression that child hood and school is a place to fit in, instead I would encourage kids to see this as a time and place to stand out!! I am currently finishing my Life Skills Coaching Diploma, and I am working on another Fire Walking Record for my home town. My mother and I are traveling around and teaching our messages where ever they will have us, and life has been an absolute blast!!! So that is me in a nut shell. |
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“There are many answers as to why people fire walk, personally I fire walk because there is no other time that I feel more grounded and centered with myself! I truly own that I am capable of anything and dream to inspire others to look beyond what they believe is possible and go for their dreams with everything that they’ve got! AD |
Mindworks Connections |